Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

Fierce Merapi

November 5, 2010 , my family and I was still in fast asleep. Suddenly, at 11 p.m there was someone called. He was my uncle from Boyolali. He spoke panicly in the phone,” Where was tou evacuated?”. My aunt was still confused. “Very crowded here, almost people from north area had evacuated”, said my uncle. “We was still at home for a while ago”, answered my aunt. “Evacuate yourself to the safe area!”, said my uncle before he hung up the phone.
“Duaarrrr..!!”…the sound was heard like storm. I was woked up, my heart felt like want to dislodged while heard that sound. The windows glasses and all the furniture trembled. I was very afraid and also quaked. That sound was from Mount Merapi which was being erupted. Its tectonic quake was felt until 15 km in radius. I hurried up and looked for another. They had been in front of house looked around. The paths and roofs were covered by volcanic ashes. The smell of sulphur also stung. The rain ashes was very heavy, then continued by gravel and water.
Suddenly the light was extinguish and I was very afraid, but I tried not to panic. Because of the condition which increasingly tensed we decided to move to the safe area, Agung Mosque was our destination. At 01.30 a.m we went there with our neighbours by motorcycle. We were panic because still us who was in the village. Almost people had gone at night. Our journey wasn’t easy, a lot of trees toppled and covered the way, so we must put them away at once, while the bluster wasn’t stop yet.
The street was slippery because of the sands and ashes which was mixed with water, so we must extra carefully. The rain ashes was very disturbed in view.
The journey was about 20 minutes, finally we arrived at Agung Mosque. There were lot of peole who also evacuated themselves. We took a rest in porch of the mosque. Then my uncle sent me a message said that about 100 victims are died because of the heat clouds at Cangkringan. I was very horrified to hear that.
At 6 a.m we decided to went home. After we arrived, we were very startled. We saw almost everything is white because of covered with ashes which 5cm in thick. The condition of the village was very quiet, seemed like the death village. We decided to went to Bantul until the condition was thrully safe.
Its aboput a week we stay in Bantul, and after the condition was safe we decided to came back home. This was thrully an unforgetable moment in my life, the amazing nature phenomenon. Finally, I want to say thanks to God who had kept me and my family safe.

Rabu, 29 September 2010


Landslide is a natural disaster which includes a wide range of ground movement . The mainland landslides can occur either because of erosion or earthwork. At the waterfront, landslides are common due to abrasion.
Erosion can cause landslides due to water absorption underground by water is not absorbed completely, so the soil becomes loose and prone to landslides. To avoid this can be by reforestation. With many plants, which live on it so that roots can absorb more soil water, especially plants that have much roots and height. Abrasion process was also similar to erosion, only if the abrasion occurs due to soil erosion by sea water.
Landslides are also very dangerous. This disaster can swallow a lot of casualties, especially the residents who live in the area below the cliffs or hills. Their home and treasures are buried in the earth. They also can be the victims if not had time to save themselves. Survivors also may not be able to survive. They can die of hunger or coldness if no help came.

Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010

The Ant and the Grasshopper

Once there lived an ant and a grasshopper in a grassy meadow.

ant All day long the ant would work hard, collecting grains of wheat from the farmer's field far away. She would hurry to the field every morning, as soon as it was light enough to see by, and toil back with a heavy grain of wheat balanced on her head. She would put the grain of wheat carefully away in her larder, and then hurry back to the field for another one. All day long she would work, without stop or rest, scurrying back and forth from the field, collecting the grains of wheat and storing them carefully in her larder.

The grasshopper would look at her and laugh. 'Why do you work so hard, dear ant?' he would say. 'Come, rest awhile, listen to my song. Summer is here, the days are long and bright. Why waste the sunshine in labour and toil?'

grasshopperThe ant would ignore him, and head bent, would just hurry to the field a little faster. This would make the grasshopper laugh even louder. 'What a silly little ant you are!' he would call after her. 'Come, come and dance with me! Forget about work! Enjoy the summer! Live a little!' And the grasshopper would hop away across the meadow, singing and dancing merrily.

Summer faded into autumn, and autumn turned into winter. The sun was hardly seen, and the days were short and grey, the nights long and dark. It became freezing cold, and snow began to fall.

The grasshopper didn't feel like singing any more. He was cold and hungry. He had nowhere to shelter from the snow, and nothing to eat. The meadow and the farmer's field were covered in snow, and there was no food to be had. 'Oh what shall I do? Where shall I go?' wailed the grasshopper. Suddenly he remembered the ant. 'Ah - I shall go to the ant and ask her for food and shelter!' declared the grasshopper, perking up. So off he went to the ant's house and knocked at her door. 'Hello ant!' he cried cheerfully. 'Here I am, to sing for you, as I warm myself by your fire, while you get me some food from that larder of yours!'

The ant looked at the grasshopper and said, 'All summer long I worked hard while you made fun of me, and sang and danced. You should have thought of winter then! Find somewhere else to sing, grasshopper! There is no warmth or food for you here!' And the ant shut the door in the grasshopper's face.

It is wise to worry about tomorrow today.

Rabu, 28 Juli 2010

Mobil Buatan UI Ukir Prestasi Tingkat Asia !!!

Depok - Mobil buatan tim mahasiswa dari Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia meraih prestasi dalam kompetisi Shell Eco-marathon Asia 2010 yang berlangsung pada 8 sampai 10 Juli 2010 di Sepang, Malaysia.

Mobil Equator dan mobil Pasopati menjadi runner-Up 1 dan Runner-up 2 untuk kategori urban type dengan mesin internal combustion. Kedua mobil ini juga meraih rangking 1 dan 2 pada uji emisi tipe urban non-award. Adapun untuk mobil Pasopati bersama-sama mobil Keris, yang juga hasil buatan mahasiswa FTUI, berhasil masuk lima besar dalam kategori desain terbaik.

Kepala Kantor Komunikasi UI, Vishnu Juwono menjelaskan dalam ajang kompetisi yang diselenggarakan oleh Shell ini ini, Universitas Indonesia mempresentasikan tiga jenis mobil, yakni Keris, Equator, dan Pasopati. “Tiga mobil ini dirancang hemat enargi dan berbasis energi alternatif,” ujarnya melalui siaran pers yang diterima Tempo, Selasa hari ini.

Mobil Equator, misalnya dibuat dengan mesin Suzuki 110 cc dengan kompresi 4 tak dan diproyeksikan dapat menempuh jarak sejauh 300 km dengan satu liter bensin. Sedangkan mobil Pasopati menggunakan mesin Mahator 125 cc dengan kompresi 4 tak sehingga dapat menempuh jarak 200 km dengan satu liter bensin. Sedangkan mobil Keris memakai mesin SOHC, kapasitas 35 cc dengan kompresi 4 tak.

Ketiganya bertarung pada dua kategori kendaraan, yaitu tipe prototipe yang futuristik (berkonsep mobil masa depan) dan tipe urban yang berspesifikasi kendaraan perkotaan ramah lingkungan.

Senin, 22 Maret 2010

Kejuaraan bulutangkis ganda Putra

kejuuaraan bulutangkis khusus ganda putra ini akan berlangsung di Gedung Bulutangkis Asia Afrika, Senayan, Jakarta, pada tanggal 29 April s/d 02 Mei 2009 dengan title ''Candra Wijaya Men's Doubles Championships''. Kejuaraan ini dibagi 3 Kelompok umur, yaitu : Remaja, Taruna dan Dewasa. Total hadiah yang diperebutkan sejumlah Rp. 200 juta.

Candra Wijaya sebagai spesialis pemain ganda putra berharap event ini bisa berlangsung secara reguler dan bisa menjadi kalender tetap Federasi Bulutangkis Dunia (BWF) dan mempunyai poin. Untuk kedepannya tidak mengusung nama Candra Wijaya juga tidak menjadi masalah, demikian Candra berpesan, yang penting event ini bisa berjalan rutin dan tetap menarik bagi atlit-atlit ganda putra untuk ikut berkompetisi. Dengan adanya kompetisi secara rutin maka kemampuan para atlit semakin terasa dan matang.

Pada event ini akan menarik ditonton dengan hadirnya atlit-atlit nasional yang selama ini bertarung pada ajang kompetisi internasional diantaranya Alvent Yulianto, Hendra Apriadi, dan Joko Riyadi. Semetara itu tunggal putra Taufik Hidayat juga akan meramaikan kompetisi berpasangan dengan rekan satu klub di SGS Bandung, Flandy Limpele yang juga merupakan atlit handal ganda putra saat berpasangan dengan Eng Hian. Tak kalah menarik atlit-atlit luar negeri juga akan hadir diantaranya wakil-wakil dari Malaysia, Jepang, Singapura, India dan Ceska.
